Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lifestyle Photography- What it means to me.

If I had to label myself I'd like to say I'm primarily a lifestyle photographer. This title has different meanings to different folks but what it means to me is that I like to capture life's everyday moments. It means I like to document how life really is. Do I sometimes try try to eliminate distractions before I snap a photo or occasionally clone them out? You bet. But mostly I want to capture what's real and what my child or client is going to remember. How life really truly is, crumbs, toys and all because as gorgeous as those magazine spreads are, they aren't real life.

Here are some recent favorites.

Waiting for Daddy to come home

Noella's first Valentines Day flowers. From her Turkey Valentine, Daddy. 

Playing in the vertical blinds that I detest so much. 

Chubby little toddler feet.

Crossed ankles.

Lunch mates left behind.

So. Much. JOY in her eyes!

this. So much of this.

Waiting for Snickerdoodles.

So I challenge you to embrace the everyday. Pull your camera out for more than just the special occasion. I promise you'll take some photos you'll really truly treasure for years to come. 

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